Testing Graphics Hardware Acceleration
Why does changing a car’s oil in take an hour in California? In Texas, this is a 15 minute process, in and out. I’ve never been a fan of wasting time, so while waiting on my car this morning, I started researching one of the most exciting test opportunities we …
Firefox 3.5 Release Day!
Greener Tinderbox Results
So,after a much more log parsing and number crunching than I had anticipated, I have some results from the Greener Tinderbox effort. For those that don’t know, I’ve been running all the TUnit automated tests over and over on a set of knock-off Tinderboxen trying to hammer out which failures …
Counting Failures
Keeping the Code Fires Burning
In Austin, March means flowers, the beginning of the best season (the not-quite-so-hot-and-not-rainy-season, to be prescise) of the year and SXSW music. I really miss SXSW; the way the town erupts into a giant party, the way that there is music in even MORE places than normal (it’s already everywhere …
Matt Miller on the Tyranny of Dead Ideas
So…my local radio station kinda sucks. They don’t post streaming (or even podcasted) content of some of their shows? Makes me want to record it off the air and then offer it here. So, I heard Matt Miller on this program tonight. It’s an incredible show, and definitely worth staying …
Seven Things
I was hoping this would pass me by. But I do need to blog more, and while I haven’t had a bunch of time, I’ve enjoyed the “seven things” posts I’ve read on Planet. I was tagged by Simon and Jane. The rules. Link back to your original tagger and …
SF to Texas, Days 2 & 3 – Time Management
Well, the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. I stopped at the petrified forest in Arizona and walked around there for an hour or two. Other than that, I just drove, drove, drove. It turned out to be 2,125.3 miles. Quite a haul. I’m looking forward to heading back …